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Exciting new initiatives

Lean in a Hybrid working environment.

Adjusting to changes caused by the pandemic. Covid-19 and better communications technology have caused changes in working patterns. These include: A significant proportion of the population working from home. Improvements in home conferencing technology. Efficiency...

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Recent activity

In Autumn 2024 we will run a further series of themed 5S webinars. These 5S webinars (each 2.5 hours in duration) and delivered on a monthly basis, will be  structured as follows : Module 1 : Developing a Safe workplace. Module 2 : Efficiency gain through Organisation...

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Enhancing Lean systems using Industry 4.0 technologies.

Recent developments in the field of Industry-4.0 technologies have significant potential to be incorporated in Lean methodologies. Additionally, working with the Digital Accelerator team at University of Wales  Trinity St. David, over recent years, has given me a...

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Is your business under threat from Disruptive Innovation?

Disruptive innovation is a challenge which all organisations can face – an organisation may either be the disrupter or be disrupted by innovation. The theory of disruptive innovation was created by Harvard professor Clayton M. Christensen. Christensen explains how...

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How far are you from ‘World Class’?

In the post-Covid world it is critical that operations are using the most effective working procedures and techniques. Using inferior practises could mean the difference between success and failure of your enterprise. How ‘World Class’ is your operation? Take the...

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