Getting your message across effectively without boring or de-motivating the target audience is a critical skill for Trainers.
In this module we explore the art of Successful Training …
“How will the ‘people factor’ affect the way I train them?”
Subjects we explore include..
- Communication : a recap of the key lessons from Modules 1 & 2 .
- Developing listening skills : picking up the ‘signals’ from the audience.
- Behavioral characteristics of Trainers: Aggression, Submission and Assertion. What are the pitfalls associated with each training style?
- How do I train in an Assertive manner?
- Thinking Win-Win.
- Asking open questions : encouraging audience involvement.
- The importance of Body Language in the training process.
- What power do I have?
- Emotional intelligence: do I have any?
- Personality types and how to deal with them.
- How do I deal with difficult people?
- Following up on the training: ensuring the lessons have been learnt.
- Role-play is used throughout the modules to illustrate what can go wrong in the training process, to teach people how to avoid getting into difficult situations, and how to get out of them!