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Unit 4 : Taking a Macro view of the system : Value Stream Mapping

Unit 3  Taking a Macro view of the system : Value Stream Mapping   
 Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is a tool to visually show all the actions (both value-added and non-valued-added) currently required to bring a product or service through to the customer.

Processes which will be mapped in detail include :   

  • The customer query and response system.
  • The estimating system
  • The product development system
  • The planning system
  • The Customer complaint and follow-up process. 
 Building upon the work carried out in the initial customer awareness session, we take this process further by :

Step 1.

We map the supply chain to identify what happens and by whom this is done.

We also try to identify the factors…

  • That cause bottlenecks.
  • That may not be the optimal way of doing things.


Step 2.

For each of these steps we ask :

  • Can we eliminate/combine/simplify this step?
  • What is the core purpose of this step and how else could it be accomplished? 
    • What could be done “upstream” that would allow us to eliminate this step?
    • What effect do errors and variance at this step have on the rest of the process?


 The emphasis  during this session is to get the attendees to start identifying what causes time and effort  to be wasted , and the importance of developing more effective  systems  and procedures so that we ensure customer satisfaction and get maximum value for money.

This course deploys two simple but sophisticated techniques to analyse the value-streams :

  • Process activity mapping
  • Value-Added/Non-value added stream mapping.


Central to the course is the development of Value stream maps for the processes under consideration using real-time information (often gathered by walking the job!).


The key outcome of this phase will be a requirement for the attendees to develop Value-Stream maps for their operational or administrative process: and that they will be expected to identify the key actions for ensuring maximum customer satisfaction, eliminating waste and reducing the non-value-added ratio.